Appeals Procedure
Version 6
- To enable the learner to enquire, question or appeal against an assessment decision.
- To attempt to reach agreement between the learner and the assessor at the earliest opportunity
- To standardise and record any appeal to ensure openness and fairness.
- To facilitate a learner’s ultimate right of appeal to the awarding body, where appropriate.
- To protect the interests of all learners and the integrity of the qualification
In order to do this, the centre will:
Appeals Process Purpose/Scope
- l To ensure that there are clear procedures for learners to enable them to enquire, question or appeal against an assessment decision.
- l That any appeal is recorded, and documentation is retained for 18 months following the resolution of the appeal.
- l That the Head of Centre facilitates the learner’s ultimate right of appeal to Pearson, once the centre’s appeal procedure is exhausted.