07926257680 Censeo House, St Peter's St, St Albans AL1 3LF info.tendean@gmail.com

Appeals Procedure

Version 6


In order to do this, the centre will:

  • inform the learner at induction, of the Appeals Policy and procedure.
  • record, track and validate any appeal.
  • forward the appeal to the awarding body when a learner considers that a decision continues to disadvantage her/him after the internal appeals process has been exhausted.
  • keep appeals records for inspection by the awarding body for a minimum of 18 months
  • have a staged appeals procedure.
  • take appropriate action to protect the interests of other learners and the integrity of the qualification, when the outcome of an appeal questions the validity of other results.
  • monitor appeals to inform quality improvement.
  • Appeals Process Purpose/Scope

  • To ensure that there are clear procedures for learners to enable them to enquire, question or appeal against an assessment decision.
  • That any appeal is recorded, and documentation is retained for 18 months following the resolution of the appeal.
  • That the Head of Centre facilitates the learner’s ultimate right of appeal to Pearson, once the centre’s appeal procedure is exhausted.
    1. l To ensure that there are clear procedures for learners to enable them to enquire, question or appeal against an assessment decision.
    2. l That any appeal is recorded, and documentation is retained for 18 months following the resolution of the appeal.
    3. l That the Head of Centre facilitates the learner’s ultimate right of appeal to Pearson, once the centre’s appeal procedure is exhausted.
    Stage 1 – INFORMAL: learner consults with assessor within a period of 2 weeks following the assessment decision, to discuss an assessment decision. If unresolved, then the issues are documented before moving to stage 2. Stage 2 – REVIEW: review of assessment decisions by the Internal Verifier, Stan. Hughes 07803239483 or assessment.tendean@gmail.com. Learner notified of findings and agrees or disagrees, in writing, with outcome within a period of 1 week. If unresolved, move to stage 3. Stage 3 – APPEAL HEARING: Quality Nominee will hear the appeal within a period of 2 weeks Dave Tabernacle 07926257680 or info.tendean@gmail.com This will be the final route of escalation within our company. Therefore, if you remain unhappy after following our own internal complaints procedure and your complaint refers to services you have received relating to your course and achieving your qualification then please contact the relevant Awarding Organisation directly. Should you address your complaint to the awarding body and remain unhappy with the outcome you may then raise your complaint to the relevant qualification regulator (for example, OFQUAL, SQA Accreditations or Qualifications Wales dependent upon the qualification). Either a representative of our company or the awarding body will be able to offer you guidance on the appropriate qualification regulator in each instance and provide contact details.